Barcelona Declaration

On the 10th of July 2014 the organisations listed below drafted a joint declaration, also known as the Barcelona Declaration, in which the members have indicated to be willing to make a constructive contribution to the EU2020 agenda.
Together these organisations operate under the name of VET4EU2. This name refers to the four organisations involved in Vocational Education and Training (EUproVET, EfVET, EVTA and EVBB) and two organisations involved in Higher Education (EURASHE and EUCEN). For more information: website VET4EU2
VET Skills Week 2019
EUproVET has been strongly involved in the preparation and realization of the VET Skills Week 2019 which took place in Helsinki from 15-18 October 2019. For more information: website VET Skills Week
VET Skills Week 2018
EUproVET has been strongly involved in the preparation and realization of the VET Skills Week 2018 which took place in Vienna from 5-8 November 2018. For more information: website VET Skills Week
VET Skills Week 2017
EUproVET has been involved in the preparation and realization of the VET Skills Week 2017 which took place in Brussels from 20-24 November 2017. For more information: website VET Skills Week
VET Skills Week 2016
EUproVET has also been involved in the preparation and realization of the VET Skills Week in 2016, which took place in Brussels from 5-9 December 2016. For more information: Results VET Skills Week 2016