The PRALINE Project: Promoting Adult Learning in Networks

One of the primary general objectives of this project is establishment, development and strengthening of the networks associated with the partner organisations in order to support regional, national and international collaboration with an aim of promoting Adult Learning Education. Development and strengthening of the networks will in turn strengthen the existing EUproVET network, a representational platform for European VET and Adult Education providers’ associations at both national or regional level.
More information:
Talentjourney project aims to narrow skills gap in manufacturing sector, in the field of Connectivity Devices and Services/CDS (IoT in smart manufacturing), which focuses on user-oriented, user-friendly and eco-friendly solutions.
More information:

Four of the EUproVET partners (MBO Raad, Association of Colleges, AMKE and the Consortium of Slovenian School Centres) are involved in project GirlsTech.
The Idea for the GirlsTech project was mentioned during the first INNOTECS conference in 2015. Participants at the conference wondered why there was a difference in the amount of girls participating in STEM-studies in VET.
- Shortages in STEM areas
- Most obvious and largest reservoir of talents are girls/women as they are 50% of the population
- In NL a special ‘think-tank gender’ was established to advise the Minister on these issues in STEM areas
- Think-tank advised to investigate the situation in some other countries
- Why are some countries better performing than others
Question behind: how to explain sometimes a large participation on the STEM-labour market but low in VET STEM programs
More information: Innotecs - GirlsTech
Entrepreneurship has never been more important than today. The current complex and insecure economic environment requires individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Good reasons for a Leonardo da Vinci project about strategies and training to encourage entrepreneurship.
More information:

Entrepreneurial basics in Dutch vocational education,
The European Entrepreneurship Education NETwork (EE-HUB) is a focal point for entrepreneurship education in Europe bringing together organizations and individuals from both the public and private sectors with strong records of accomplishment in entrepreneurship education at regional, national and European level. The network of individual experts are committed to entrepreneurial learning and engaged with organisations or sister networks in the field and/or with national or regional governments. In addition, MEP Ambassadors endorse and promote recommendations of the EE-HUB through their policy work.
Through multiple channels, the experts in the EE-HUB will collect, analyse and recommend at least 25 “best practice” from the field and contribute to 85 outreach activities. In peer learning activities and meetings, they will reach out through their own networks as effective multipliers and forward these recommendations back to ministries, organisations and practitioners across Europe.
The EE-HUB is a 3 years project (2015 –2018) co-founded by the European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under the COSME Programme. The consortium managing the EE-HUB is composed of 4 partners: JA Europe, EUROCHAMBRES, SEECEL, EUproVET. Cisco, EY, Intel, Microsoft, Visa, have joined as private sector partners.
More information:
Read more about the EE-HUB and contribute to the discussion on Twitter using #EEhubEU.

Work based learning (WBL) is high on the European agenda, as it is supposed to bring VET nearer to the demands of the labour market. How cost-effective are WBL and apprenticeships from the point of view of employers.
More information:
EULIVET; European Leadership and Management in Vocational Education and Training
EULIVET - Proposal
Click here for the proposal
EULIVET - Project Summary
Click here for the Summary
EULIVET - Partners
EULIVET - Meetings
EULIVET - Results
EQUAL-CLASS ; Engineers qualified in higher non-university VET institutions – providing arguments and evidence for NQF/EQF classification
EQUAL-CLASS - For information about EQUAL-CLASS, click here and please go to
NANSSI; New Approaches, New Skills for Social Inclusion
A European project between AoC and MBO Raad
NANSSI - Executive Summary
Choose your language to read the Executive Summary (English) (Dutch) (French) (German)
NANSSI - Outline New Approaches, New Skills for Social Inclusion
NANNSI - Brochure New Approaches, New Skills for Social Inclusion