EUproVET is a representational platform for European VET providers. EUproVET contributes to the European agenda by
Providing the labour market with a skilled and high qualified labour force.
Contributing to social inclusion, from both the social and economic perspectives.
Contributing to life long learning.
Creating smooth pathways to higher stages of education.
Contributing to an open European Vocational Education and Training Area (EVETA).
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The role of Education and Training providers
Enhancing the global competitive position of European countries means recognising the importance of knowledge, education and lifelong learning.
In this context the European Commission regularly delivers 'Communications' and 'Recommendations' in order to speed up the common European education agenda.
Moreover, policy initiatives regarding education at the European level are increasingly endorsed by national governments. The same or even more applies to policy initiatives in other domains that can significantly affect the functioning of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) infrastructure, like internal market policies, integration/migration and social affairs. Taking these developments into account, participation in policy preparation at the European level is as important as participating in policy preparation at the national level. This ensures that policy initiatives take into account the practical effects at the level of schools and colleges.
The ambitions of political Europe regarding the European Vocational Education and Training Area (EVETA) cannot be achieved without creating proper conditions for VET and the active involvement of the providers of VET and Adult Education institutions.
It is the only group that can bridge the gap between policy development and policy implementation. Currently, however, the providers of VET and Adult Education are not adequately represented at the political level in Europe due to the lack of a solid and representative organization.
Such an organization however is a prerequisite for the success of the European social agenda.
EUproVET offers the possibility to VET providers and (leaders of) colleges and schools for strong representation at European level, to voice their interests and to reach common European goals.
The Challenge for VET in Europe
VET can take a variety of forms in different countries and even within a given country.
The significance of VET however for individuals, enterprises and society is widely acknowledged.
For that reason, Europe demands strategies to improve the performance, quality and attractiveness of European Vocational (and Adult) Education and Training (VET), as stated in the Copenhagen Declaration in 2002.
Participation in Lifelong Learning has to increase in order to bridge the knowledge gap and to respond adequately to the changing demands of society and the labour market.
The high number of early school leavers with little or no formal qualifications is an obstacle to developing a knowledge-based economy with a high degree of labour market involvement and social cohesion.
Moreover institutional leadership and the quality of teachers also have to improve.
Together with greater mobility in VET and better knowledge of foreign languages and basic skills, these are the major, but not the only, challenges VET faces in Europe.
EUproVET answers the challenges
By establishing a direct voice for VET providers at the EU policy level to contribute to effective and feasible policy development and policy implementation.
A unified representation of the VET sector on the European level will strengthen its position in policy matters and contribute to the quality and feasibility of policy implementation. For this reason, it is important to focus on the similarities of VET systems and common goals. Mutual trust and transparency are keywords for this ambition, which should lead to common policy implementation attuned to the actual situation in individual member states.
By promoting transnational cooperation between the members.
Besides the policy level, there is also a need for institutions to use the network on an operational level. This means paving the way for an exchange of educational innovations, experiences and knowledge. As mobility is one of the key objectives for the next few years, the network should also encourage and facilitate mobility for students, managers and teachers.
By promoting VET (and Adult EducatiZX on) as major educational form to enhance sustained economic growth and prospects.
VET stands at the crossroads of education and labour market policies. It contributes to social inclusion on the one hand and to a fl ow of skilled workers to the labour market on the other. In this respect VET is the foundation for economic growth and prosperity. It also creates a smooth pathway to higher education and contributes considerably to Lifelong Learning. Taking this into account, EUproVET considers it as a primary task to raise the status of VET and Adult Education. And to bring it higher up on the agenda of national and European policymakers.
By contributing to the realization of the Copenhagen process and a comparable European educational area.
Sustaining the ambitions of the Copenhagen process within the policy area of Education and Training 2010 is of great importance for achieving the Lisbon objectives. In line with this, EUproVET aims for involvement in shaping the European Vocational Education and Training Area (EVETA) after 2010. EUproVET will also be actively contributing to the Lifelong Learning Program, 2007-2013
By stimulating and underpinning effective consultation with governments within the member states and infl uencing EU policies, relevant to VET (including Adult Education)and VET institutions on all levels.
Without effective communication and discussion within member states, it will be impossible to achieve optimal results on a European level. Frequent and clear communication between representative national structures/associations and national governments is essential for success in EU-policy developments. Cooperation between the different levels in the educational system is also relevant regarding internal market regulations like procurement, state support, discussions about public or private etc.
EUproVET offers members the opportunity to add a strong international dimension to their education in order to meet the demands of the labour market for international orientated entrepreneurs and employees.
Benefits for the Colleges
EUproVET gives member institutions the opportunity of achieving strong representation at the European political level.
But, it also offers opportunities to VET providers to enhance their international profile by sharing knowledge and innovations and promoting mutual mobility of students and staff.
Building project-based consortia and a broader screening of European funding opportunities are other advantages of membership.
EUproVET stresses the importance of VET and Lifelong Learning within long term prosperous economic development.
As knowledge and innovation become more globally available, the question whether economies will prosper or not will depend more and more on the competences, employability, flexibility and mobility of workers.
VET plays a major role in enhancing the competencies and qualifications of the European workforce.
Becoming a member of EUproVET
Membership is open to all providers of Vocational Education and Training and their representative organizations.
All countries and regions are invited to elect one member to represent the institutions in their country or region. It is, however, up to the members or regions to decide upon the structure and nature of such representation. Information about national representatives of EUproVET and our mission and vision can be found on www.EUproVET.eu