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The PRALINE Project
Project Partners

Lead Partner: 

MBO Raad, Netherlands



Association of Colleges (AoC), UK

Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI), Ireland
Ammattiosaamisen Kehittämisyhdistys AMKE Ry (AMKE), Finland

Skupnost Zavodov Konzorcij Solskih Centrov (Konzorcij), Slovenia
Estonian Association For Advancement Of Vocational Education (EAAVE), Estonia
Ikaslan Bizkaia. Asoc. De Directores/As De Inst. Pcos. De Secu (Ikaslan Bizkaia), Spain
Asociacion De Centros De Formación Profesional Fpempresa (FPEmpresa), Spain
Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et (UNMFR), France
Associacao Nacional De Escolas Profissionais (ANESPO), Portugal
Hrvatsko Andragosko Drustvo (HAD), Croatia
Bundesverband Der Trager Beruflicher Bildung Ev (BBB), Germany


Project Partners

Lead Partner

MBO Raad

MBO Raad

MBO Raad, Netherlands


The MBO Raad is the Association of Colleges in the Netherlands, representing all government funded educational institutions for secondary vocational education and training and adult education (approx.500.000 enrolments). 


On behalf of its 60 member institutions the MBO Raad promotes the collective interest of the sector, supports common activities of the schools/colleges and acts as an employers’ organisation. As such, the association negotiates employment conditions for the VET- sector with the trade unions and signs collective employment agreements. 


In addition to this the MBO Raad acts on one hand as intermediary between the VET-colleges and the government, professional branch organisations, industries and other stakeholders, whilst providing the colleges with guidance and advice through their specialized policy consultants on the other hand. 

The MBO Raad promotes innovation in education in several ways; by encouraging good practices, organising conferences and developing support and information material. As representing organisation on behalf of all colleges, the MBO Raad is at the heart of the sector having a perfect position to disseminate innovations. 


In order to advocate the interests of the VET sector at a European level and to promote international cooperation, the MBO Raad is a member of the European Providers of Vocational Education and Training (EUproVET) and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE). 


The board consists of an independent chairman, board members of six institutions and the director. 




Association of Colleges, UK


Association of Colleges (AoC) is the national voice for further education, sixth form, tertiary and specialist colleges in England. We are a not-for-profit membership organisation established in 1996 by colleges, for colleges. Our members make up almost 95% of the sector - transforming 2.2 million lives each year. 


AoC is the first port of call when seeking information about English colleges. We also work with colleges in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 


We have set four clear strategic aims which will be the focus of our work in the future: 

  • Set the agenda for positive policy changes. 

  • Develop a high profile and strong reputation for colleges. 

  • Deliver expert support, advice and intelligence for members. 

  • Develop a strong, sustainable, ambitious and transparent representative body for members. 

  • ​

We achieve this by: 

  • Working with member colleges in developing policy and enhancing the profile and reputation of colleges. 

  • Setting clear long-term priorities for our work with robust measures and accountability processes through our governance structure. 

  • Working in partnership with a range of other organisations that can support and add value to our work. 

  • Maintaining a team of professional and skilled people across the country to provide member colleges with the services and support they need. 

  • Communicating openly and transparently in our work, making sure member colleges are kept up to date with expert, timely and relevant information. 



Education and Training Board Ireland (ETBI), Ireland


Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is an association established to collectively represent education and training boards and promote their interests, which: make representations on behalf of an ETB in respect of its functions, conduct surveys in respect of information sought by the Minister in respect of the performance of functions by ETBs, give such assistance to an ETB as the Minister considers necessary for the effective discharge of its functions, assist two or more ETBs in the joint performance by them of any of their functions, assist an ETB that has entered into an arrangement with an education or training provider for the joint performance of any of the functions of the board. 


ETBI through the Forum of 16 regional Further Education and Training Directors, advise and support the Chief Executives (CE) Forum in the development, formulation and implementation of ETB strategy and policy with regard to FET. ETBI provides leadership and strategic direction for the forum in the advancement of actions that enable staff to contribute to ETBI forums and working groups.  


ETBI has a strong track record of EU project and network engagement. Since EUproVET’s inception in 2009, ETBI has been at the forefront in representing Ireland’s and indeed the EU’s VET interests. Furthermore, ETBI is an active stakeholder within the EU funded project domain, successfully completing a number of ERASMUS funded projects within a broad range of key actions.  



Ammattiosaamisen Kehittämisyhdistys AMKE Ry, Finland


The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training AMKE is the guardian of interests and the service organization for vocational education and training providers in Finland. Our principal function is working life-based development of vocational education and training together with our members. 


AMKE’s 85 members represent a wide range of VET providers, from different vocational colleges to specialized institutions and providers of continuing vocational training. Our members train 98 % of adults and young people studying for a profession in Finland. 



Skupnost Zavodov Konzorcij Solskih Centrov, Slovenia


Skupnost zavodov Konzorcij šolskih centrov Slovenia (Community of Institutions Consortium of School Centers of Slovenia) started its journey with the aim of connecting and realizing common interests and needs in teh field of education and development in 2003, when four school centres committed themselves to long-term cooperation. Later three more school centres joined the Consortium. 


The main purpose of connecting school centres is to continuously improve the educational process and encourage innovation in the field of education. Areas of common interest identified by the members in the letter of intent were cooperation in the development of educational programs, projects, methods of training profesional staff and the development of a model of inter-company training center. 


In december 2015, the Consortium  became a member of EUproVET, one of the four largest EU associations for providers of vocational and technical education. 


Todays partnership of Consortium consist of seven Slovenian School centers. School centre Celje, School centre Kranj, School centre Ljubljana,  School centre Nova Gorica, School centre Novo mesto, School centre Ptuj and School centre Velenje. With full cooperation all partners successfuly participate in national and EU projects.



Estonian Association For Advancement Of Vocational Education, Estonia


The Estonian Association for Advancement of Vocational Education (hereinafter EAAVE, in Estonian EKEÜ) is a voluntary organisation, established in 1999 with the purpose of uniting VET providers and independent individuals with certain interest and concern about the future of vocational education to an association. 


The main goal of the association is to contribute to the development of high-quality Vocational Education in Estonia through effective collaboration with all relevant social stakeholders and interest groups and the communities they serve. The association is a strategic partner for the Ministry of Education and Science and is playing an active role in policy design 


In order to achieve the goals, the main activities of EAAVE are:  

  • representing the interests and rights of its members, organisation of international and national level collaboration with relevant stakeholders and organisations,  

  • making recommendations for improvements in VET system to relevant authorities, 

  • organising the delivery of training and education for the members,  

  • participation in policy design and legislation development,  

  • project management, etc. 


There are more than 100 members in the association, representing not only VET schools’ management members, but also other relevant authorities and social stakeholders. 


Besides acting as the representative of the VET sector in general in public state level dialogues and cooperation models, the association organises twice a year public seminars mainly for its members but also for other interested parties which aim to present and encourage the discussions on relevant topics for the EAAVE community and provide different forms of training for the members.

Ikaslan Bizkaia

Ikaslan Bizkaia

Ikaslan Bizkaia. Asoc. De Directores/As De Inst. Pcos. De Secu, Spain


IKASLAN BIZKAIA is an association of vet public centers established to collectively represent education and training boards and promote their interests, which is to offer modern, quality education, adjusted to the needs of the labour market and paying attention to the personal development of its students. 


Vision: To be the referent on Vocational Training for the Biscay society and its educational and economic fabric. Boosting the adaptation to new technologies in the field of VET 


Mission: IKASLAN BIZKAIA promotes excellent public professional training in Bizkaia and makes it known to society 

  • Making known to society the value proposition of public VET 

  • Boosting the adaptation to new technologies in the field of VET 

  • Promote the economic and social improvement of the Biscayan society (CSR) 



Asociacion De Centros De Formación Profesional Fpempresa, Spain


FPEmpresa VET Schools Association is a non-profit association that brings together public, semi-private and private VET centres from all over Spain. We have been working since 2012 with the aim of promoting and strengthening VET, by means of exchanging good practices and experiences among the associated centres. 


The Association is the meeting point for all those VET centres that want to boost their relations with the corporate world and contribute to the creation of a solid network of centres capable of sharing experiences and projects; projects aimed at guaranteeing the development and consolidation of VET system in Spain. 


Mission: Our goal is to promote Vocational Education and Training in our education system and strengthen relations between centres and their surrounding companies. This commitment between schools and companies allows to improve the academic offer for VET students and increase their possibilities to enter the labour market. 


Vision: Our commitment is to generate a stronger public presence of VET schools in our society. FPEmpresa works towards becoming a referential figure among schools, institutions, social organisations and companies, with the aim of making VET a real academic alternative with excellent future prospects. 



  • Collaboration: strengthen alliances among different social, educational and financial agents that participate in the field of VET. 

  • Quality: excellence is our guidance. 

  • Transparency: responsible and transparent management. 

  • Diversity: promote diversity and inclusion. 

  • Innovation: work with the latest technologies. 

  • Passion: commitment to projects and people. 

  • Future: guide our actions towards a path full of possibilities.



Union Nationale Des Maisons Familiales Rurales d’Education Et, France


The first MFR (rural family center) was born nearly 85 years ago. Today there are 1000 MFR around the world. Specifically, in France, the 430 MFRs are under the contract with the State and participate in the public training service. They employ 9,000 people, including 5,000 trainers. 


Each year, the MFRs offer in their catalog a training offer made up of more than 350 qualifications in 18 different professional sectors, without forgetting the orientation classes (7 and 8 grades, pre-apprenticeship, high school 1srt grade, general and Technological orientation). 


The MFR offer work-based learning under contract with the government (initial training) or by apprenticeship and also for vocational training which all have the same characteristic: part of the training takes place in the professional and social environment (company, family, society, …), another part in MFR.


The internship or apprenticeship supervisor has a full-fledged trainer role. 


To support a learner's project, in the context of work-based learning, it is important, in the eyes of the MFR, to ensure a close relationship between the various partners involved in education. 


The National union’s mission (UNMFR) is to support the network of the 430 MFR.



Associacao Nacional De Escolas Profissionais, Portugal


ANESPO – National Association of Professional Schools is a non-profit organization established in February 1991, representing over 140 Professional Schools in Portugal, most of them owned by Companies, Business Associations, Foundations, Cooperatives, Trade Unions and Local Authorities. The schools deliver professional courses, attended by about 40.000 students, awarding a diploma of level 4 (European Union’s qualification framework), corresponding to middle staff. 


Beyond their core activity, Professional Schools also provide training for adult education and qualification, skills recognition and accreditation (RVC), and take part in projects aimed at helping disabled people, enhancing equity and fighting social exclusion.  Professional Schools enhance development strategies in their contexts, actively working with regional and local authorities and other economic and social stakeholders, and establishing close links with business environment and employers, thus enabling on-the-job training as a strong component in education offer. 


ANESPO is member of EFVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, the National Council for Education (CNE) and affiliated with the Confederation of Trade and Services of Portugal (CCP), being part of respective Steering Committees. 


ANESPO is structured and organized to enable the provision of advisory and consulting services, including education and training, in Portugal and in other EU countries and the CPLP. ANESPO’s Center for Studies and Training (CEFANESPO) is accredited by the Scientific and Pedagogical Council of Continuing Education, who also accredited several training courses for teachers, trainers and other educators. 


Among the actions promoted by ANESPO, and on the main referenced markets, we summarize some activities that give ANESPO experience and know-how in the field of internationalization, cooperation and servisse. 

Participation in conferences and workshops: ANESPO has participated in various conferences and workshops in different countries, including the CPLP 


Connection to enterprises: The training in vocational schools has a strong component of training in a working context. In fact for over 30 years, vocational schools perform their training in enterprises. There are thousands of existing protocols between Professional Schools and companies of all kinds and of all fields of activity, from north to south. The curriculum model that works in vocational schools - a strong link to companies right from the first years of courses and as a strategic option - works in an integrated way and is one of the factors that contribute decisively to the employability of over 70% (one year after the terminus of training), of the students who attend this type of education.


Hrvatsko Andragosko Drustvo, Croatia


The Croatian Andragogy Society was founded in 1996 and continues the work of previous society founded in 1964. The Croatian Andragogy Society (Hrvatsko andragoško društvo/ HAD) is a professional association that brings together academics and researchers from universities, adult educators from open universities, human resource specialists from companies, staff from employment services, and other professionals in the field of adult education. The area of activity of HAD is general adult education, continuing vocational education and training, formal and non-formal adult education and all forms of adult learning.  


HAD organizes expert meetings (conferences and summer schools) on adult education twice a year, with an average of 70 participants from all parts of Croatia. At Andragogy conferences / schools, most attention is devoted to new knowledge, skills, and competences in adult education programmes.  


HAD organizes biannual international conferences on adult education and so far, 8 conferences have been held. These conferences are venues for presenting new research results in the field of adult education, venues for a debate and a meeting place for adult education researchers from neighbouring and other European countries. After each conference a book of proceedings is published.  


Since 1996, HAD has been publishing the Andragoški glasnik (Andragogy newsletter), a journal that publishes scientific and professional papers in the field of adult education. 


Through its conferences and newsletters, HAD regularly informs and strengthens the competencies of its members and other professionals. HAD informs about trends and innovations in educational policies, new methods in adult education, financing, organization of adult education. Emphasis is on establishing effective links between the industry, local communities, public bodies, and adult education institutions, identifying the necessary qualifications in key sectors. 

HAD is engaged in continuous advocacy activities and constantly improves partnerships with national agencies and ministries. It regularly sends proposals for improving the legal framework and ways of regulating the process of adult education. In this process, it seeks to affirm evidence-based policies, adherence to professional standards and quality. 

Since its establishment, HAD has implemented several national and EU projects that have addressed the inclusion of marginalized groups in adult education (most often people with disabilities and the long-term unemployed) and innovation in adult education. 

The Croatian Andragogy Society has the following tasks: 

  • promotion and development of adult education theory and practice, 

  • advancing the theory and practice of formal and non-formal forms of adult education and training  

  • training of members of society in the framework of scientific conferences, seminars, consultations and study visits, 

  • encouraging scientific research work in the field of adult education, 

  • providing professional assistance to members and legal entities in the monitoring and implementation of the legal and regulations in the field of education, especially adult education 

  • professional integration of membership working on adult education and exchange of experiences, 

  • joint appearance of membership towards state bodies for the purpose of promotion and protection of the profession, 

  • encouraging and developing cooperation with state administration bodies, professional associations, chambers, and other entities in adult education, 

  • international cooperation, 

  • publishing newsletters, magazines, and other professional publications. 

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